Maino Talks About Getting on 'Love & Hip Hop'

A lot of rappers have been getting on that reality TV show wave over the years, and New York rapper, Maino jumped on the train last year. Maino is now a cast of the 'Love & Hip Hop' show, the New York chapter. I have heard a lot about the pay being great, so why not Maino get some bread.

Anyway, in his recent interview on The Angie Martinez Show, he talked about some of the rules he laid down to the organizers of the show before he agreed to be on it.

Read his words below...

"You know, I was like fighting them all the time like men I'm not doing this, I'm not doing that, I'm not filming with this...I just came with rules before they could even open up their mouth. I'm not even filming with these people right here. I had lists. And they was like, 'well, okay.' And I was like, you know what, this isn't even really that bad. It's cool. Like, I think that it was important for me to basically kind of control the narrative as much as I could because's integrity. I'm not going on TV to look like a fool. You understand. I'm definitely not into like the monkey stuff, like we ain't gonna be in there fighting, throwing drinks..."

I really want to know if it is part of the contract that every cast of Love & Hip Hop has to fight and throw drinks. I have never really watched the show, but that's all I see when I see highlights of the show. Why do people on the show always have to throw drinks at each other?

Anyway, watch the full Maino interview on Angie Martinez Show below...talks about Love & Hip Hop right at the beginning of the interview.

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