Damon Dash Says He Is Coming For Netflix With His New Company, Dame Dash Studios

Yep! Those were his words during his recent interview on Fox 11 Los Angeles. Former music mogul, Damon Dash has a new company named, Dame Dash Studios. According to him, it is sort of Netflix, HBO, and Disney all combined. Hmm. Interesting. Basically, it is a streaming services, where for $7.99 a month, you get to watch different kind of shows, all shot by Dame Dash himself. But what was interesting during the interview was that he said he said he was coming for Netflix...He believes he can take Netflix down. 

Read his words below...

"I mean it's like my version of Netflix, and HBO, and Disney all combined in one...content all made by me. You know people just count that I'm also a director, but also paid for it. And it is also for deprograming. I'm telling people the truth, in a very cool way. It's the coolest network that ever existed for sure...We make the music, we make the clothing. The second level of this is the shop and watch, where while you're watching everything you can order it...I'm going at Netflix. I want that head. They going down. See they're from a fund you know. I put up my own bread, I'm a real boss."

It's actually a great idea. Something I have also been thinking of myself, but a little different. I wish Dame all the best. You can watch the full interview below.

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