Woman Talks About Meeting and Sleeping with R Kelly While She Was 17

At this point, it is clear that R Kelly is particularly attracted to teenage girls (those between 17-19 years old), there is no doubt about it. He is currently on trial for a 10 count charge of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. The documentary on him, Surviving R Kelly definitely made these new accusers (4 women) come forward. Related to all these, a woman, Lisa Van Allen did an interview on VLAD TV and narrated how she had gotten to meet R Kelly in Alpharetta, Georgia while he was shooting the video for his Home Alone song in 1997. She was 17 at the time, she is now currently 39 years old.

Read her words below...

"So, I'm at the video shoot and you know, we doing our scenes and one of his cousins came up to me. At the time I didn't know it was his cousin. He came up to me and said 'Rob wants to meet you.' I didn't know who Rob was so I asked him, 'who's Rob?' And he is like, 'R Kelly.' Umm...I'm like, 'Oh, okay.' You know, I didn't think anything of it at the time cos I know I'm 17 years old so I'm just thinking okay maybe he just wants so say hey, or, you know I didn't know what it was. So I get on the Golf Cart with him, we go over to where he's at. And umm, he immediately starts asking me questions. Umm. He starts asking me things like, how old are you, I told him 17. He immediately after that asks me will your mother let you come to Chicago. I told him she would. Of course I didn't ask my mother. Umm. He asked me did I have a boyfriend, I said no. Umm, he asked me about my family structure, was my father home, no...You know, just questions I feel like now that were questions to...where he could see if I could fit into his lifestyle. Where he wouldn't get any, you know like backlash from anyone trying to see where I was, or find out what I was doing. But at that time, i just thought that he was interested in me thats why i thought he asked those questions."

Hmm. I guess Mr. Kelly had been doing this for a while and had become a pro at it. Keep reading her words...

"After the video shoot, he had given me his phone number after the shoot. I waited about a month to call him and the reason for that was because I was not really sure what to talk to him about...I just didn't know what to talk to him about. But when I finally called him, I didn't really have to talk to him much at all. When I called him and explained who i was, Lisa Van Allen from the video shoot, he said umm 'when can you get to Chicago.' I told him, you know, whenever he wanted me to come. So, the next step was for him to put me in contact with June Brown which was his assistant. And is still his assistant, or was his assistant as recently as last year his assistant. So umm...he put me in contact with June. Umm. They sent me money to come up there. They didn't book my travel at that point. And umm...they sent me the money, told me what to do to get an ID, umm, state ID. Where...you know what airport to go to. Where to get the tickets and all that. You know, they coached me through everything to get to Chicago."

VLAD cut in at the this point to ask if she was still 17 at this point, and she answered in the affirmative. He asked her if she was a virgin at the time, and she said no. And then he asked her to narrate what happened when she eventually went to Chicago to meet R Kelly.

"Umm. Pretty basic stuff. Umm...I checked into my...he had a car pick me up...a Limo and I got to my hotel room, drop my stuff off, he has June come get me, I go to the studio, we just sit, listening to music. Umm...most of the time we were listening to music and in between that, he would go play basketball, we'd eat, umm. We had sex. You know. Pretty basic stuff."

Vlad cut in to ask if 17 is considered legal (to consent to sex) in Illinois (Chicago) and she said she believes so. Vlad asked her how the relationship progressed after that first trip, and she said...

"Umm. He ended up having me stay. Because I went home, came back another time, and he kept making me miss my flight. And I told him, if I keep missing my flight, I'm gonna get fired. And he asked me, 'how much do you make?' And I told him $300, so he pulled $300 out and gave it to me. And we never discussed me going home again, I just ended up staying up there. Umm...that was just pretty much it."

At a point in the interview, Vlad asked her if there were other girls around, and she said...

"There would be. Sometimes we would do threesomes and you know, there would be other girls involved."

You can watch the full video below...

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