Sauce Money Says Jay Z Had a Horrible Handwriting

Sauce Money is a legendary rapper from the 90s, and was a close friend of Jay Z during Jay's come up. In fact, they are from the same Marcy Housing Projects in New York, and he was around Jay Z when Jay was recording his first album, Reasonable Doubt.

While talking about those times in a new interview on VLAD TV, he was asked by VLAD how it is was watching Jay Z record rap verses without writing them down first, and he said...

"Well, I knew him when he was writing...he didn't have no choice not to write cos you couldn't read the sh*t that he was writing anyway. I would look at the pad and be like, yo, how do you even read this sh*t my n*gga. Like, this is crazy. But umm...then he started you know honing his craft, and then he stopped writing. You know, just doing it off the head. Yea."

You can watch the full interview below...he talks about the bad handwriting around the 3 minute mark of the video.

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