Protesters Outside Concert Venue Say Beyonce & Jay-Z are Demons and Members of The Illuminati

A couple of days ago, while Beyonce performed at The Verizon Center, two African American men stood at the entrance protesting, and holding up placards that read..."Jay-Z and Beyonce are possessed by demons- Enter at your own risk- Pray." I thought all this Illuminati talk had gone away. Anyway, below is what Rocky Twyman (one of the protesters) had to say about Jay-Z and Beyonce when interviewed by the Newspaper-

"We believe that this couple is virtually destroying our youth. If you go on the Internet, you’ll see stories about how they’re both part of the Illuminati and you can see Jay-Z’s use of the Satanic triangle symbol when he performs. Jay-Z even declared himself to be God by referring to himself as Jehovah, and we don’t think that this is the image that our young people need to be glorifying"
 They further said they hoped to get the attention of the parents of the youths through their protest-

"We think they will be convicted that there is something wrong here,that there is some type of demonic forces that are a part of the Jay-Z-Beyonce syndrome."

My problem with this whole Illuminati talk is that its black people that are always so into conspiracy theories. Once a black man is successful, he is seen as a member of some sort of secret society, or worshiping the devil; why are black people conditioned to think that a certain level of wealth must have come from signing a contract with the devil? I went to see my pop the other day, and he was listening to BBC news on his small radio. And this news came on about a certain community in Kenya where rich people are being killed off cos they are termed devil worshipers. Once the people of that community don't understand the level of success of anyone in the community, they kill them off. That is some backward thinking right there...some limiting thinking right there.

If these people say they don't like how Beyonce fans Idolize her like she is a goddess, that is another thing, but all that demon possessed story is all crap. Watch all the Youtube videos you want, you only get what you are looking for in the first place. But, when you open your mind and do a little more research, you would laugh at all the Illuminati talk. Okay, they said Jay-Z is throwing up the Triangle (Pyramid) sign, and that that shows he is demonic. Okay, what about MC Lyte throwing up the sign on her 1996 album cover (Bad As I Wanna Be), long before Jay-Z started throwing that sign up. Is it because she isn't as successful as Jay-Z that the spotlight is not on her? Check out the pic below-

They can say they don't like what Jay-Z and Beyonce rap/sing about, which they feel have a bad influence their kids, but If they want to go that route, then they have to attack the whole Hip Hop/R&B culture right now. What sells right now is music with people glorifying wealth, sex talk and a life of alcohol and drug abuse. Most successful musicians in the r&b/hip hop genre of music do that, so they should be protesting against all of them, and not picking out two people and saying they are demon possessed, because they are the most successful. People forget what these so called Illuminati people went through (all the hard times) before they perfected their craft with persistence, and got to the level of success they attained. They make it seem like they just called up the devil like, 'hey, devil, what's up? I wanna sign up' and the devil is like, 'okay, here is the paper' and they sign, and they wake up the next morning with all the wealth. These is my problem with all the Illmuniati and secret society conspiracy theories. And because, sorry to say, the black race is still the most backward race, they buy into that the most. And the smart artists use this as a publicity/marketing tool; they keep on using all the Illuminati signs in their pics, interviews and videos to keep the people talking about them.

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