Irv Gotti Says Artificial Intelligence Is Going to Create More Homelessness in America

Yup! That's what music mogul, Irv Gotti said in his and Ja Rule's recent interview on The Breakfast Club show. He believes Artificial Intelligence is going to make a lot of people lose their jobs to robots, and cause a rise in homelessness in America in the next couple of years. He was trying to stress the importance of people not having the mindset of being workers, but that of entrepreneurs when he brought this up. He believes when there are more entrepreneurs, it will lessen the impact of the damage AI is going to have on working class in America.

Read his words on this below...
Image result for irv gotti and ja rule at the breakfast club show"Artificial intelligence is coming. Right. So the working force...the worker bee...they're replacing you with a robot. Which is going to make more homelessness in America than we could possibly imagine. Ask anybody right. Say, how many we all good right, but the normal person, you could ask him, say, how many months, if you lose your job could you survive...So when that robot comes in, and that company switches over to some AI (Artificial Intelligence), people are going to be homeless. Listen, this world is eliminating the middle class. It's gonna be rich, and poor."

Word! And people are not realizing this. Things are changing fast. Manual labor jobs will be replaced by robots, which will give rise to joblessness, and homelessness. Millions of people are going to be jobless. Like Nas said in 1999 on his song, New World, 'while the poor people starve, computers taking over their jobs, a man's forced to live off land, now it's back to the caveman era...' Quite prophetic. 

You can watch Irv Gotti and Ja Rule's interview below. Irv Gotti talks about AI around the 13 minute mark.

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