No Cap Speaks On Lil Baby Comparison

Alabama rapper, No Cap is often compared to Lil Baby. A lot of people say he sounds like the Atlanta rapper. I know that can be annoying for a rising star. During his recent interview with DJ Vlad, on Vlad TV, he spoke on this issue. To him, he doesn't think he sounds at all like Lil Baby.

Below is what No Cap had to say about Lil Baby comparison...

Image result for no cap, vlad tv interview"I hear that a lot. Nah! I don't agree at all actually, cos like, I feel like don't really do the he do it, but not like that. You get what I'm saying? He really...he more of a rapper. And I mix mine with melody and metaphors. You get what I'm saying? Like n*ggas really ain't doing metaphors like that. Like Lil Wayne was probably like the last rapper really just metaphor on every song."

So there you have it. No Cap doesn't think he sounds like Lil Baby in any way. You can watch his full VLAD TV interview below.

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