R Kelly Begs Media To Take It Easy On Him

R Kelly is still on trial for an ongoing sexual abuse case, but he is still getting shows. In a video he posted on his Instagram page yesterday, he pleaded with the media to go easy on him as he has a show in Springfield, Illinois, and would like to perform at the show without hassles from the media. Well, I don't even think it is the media he needs to worry about. The people he needs to worry about are the normal people that would probably go and disrupt the show.

Below are R Kelly's words to the media...

"Yo, this is your boys Kelz and umm, I got an even to do tonight in Springfield, Illinois. So I want the media to take it easy on me men! This is how I got to get paid now for right now. So, I got to go do this event, and it's a party. So, when you see me in the club, with a couple of drinks in my hand and chilling, please take it easy. I appreciate it y'all. Thanks."

Well, the only thing he knows how to do is sing...that's his job, so he has to go to work to survive.

Below is the video of him pleading with the media to go easy on him.

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