Right now, you have so many white rappers on the scene, and if you ask me, they are just average rappers, not outstanding in anyway. You have Mack Miller, Yelawolf, Machine Gun Kelly...none of them can deliver on the mic like Eminem. I am note saying they are wack, i am just saying they are not as unique as eminem. I consider Eminem top 5 rappers of all time, and i don't think they would be another Eminem. And this is the same reason why they probably wouldn't be another Jay-Z or another Nas. I am happy that, of recent, there have been a couple of rappers like Drake, Kendrick Lamar, and the likes that are original with it. They do their thing, and don't try to be anyone that is already a star...and they don't care what people say.
A lot of upcoming rappers are always pressured to sound like someone that has already done it. They feel they would get recognistion that way. they fail to learn that those people that they are trying to be like, were definitely influenced by other rappers, but they carved their own niche, and stayed true to that. That is the way to be great. You can never be a better version of the person you are trying to be like...just be the best you you can be. That is the advise i would give to up and coming rappers. And on that note, i would say there would never be another Eminem.
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