Azriel Clary Says Her Parents Made Her Lie About Her Age When She First Met R Kelly

Azriel Clary is one of R Kelly's live-in girlfriends, and during an interview with CBS's Gayle King, she said her parents actually made her lie about her age when she first met R Kelly. She said she was 17, but her parents asked her to lie that she was 18. 

Read her words below...

"When I first met Robert (R Kelly) my parents told me to lie about my age. So when I met him, he thought that I was 18. On top of that, when I was 17, my parents were actually making me...trying to get me to take photos with him, take sexual videos with him, all kinds of stuff."

Gayle cut in to clarify if she was trying to say her parents encouraged her to do sexual videos, and she said..."Yes. And they said because if they ever have to blackmail him, what they are trying to do now, they can use it against him, which is exactly what they are doing."

Okay, at this point, I think the girl and her parents need to be put to a lie detector test to know who is lying, cos the parents have denied this. But to be honest, from watching her body language, it looks like she is telling the truth. My thing has always been, why did the parents never go to the police to complain about their daughter being held captive by R Kelly all these years if that was really the case?

You can watch the full interview.

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