Fat Joe Speaks on Michael Jackson Documentary; Leaving Neverland

A documentary by HBO on Michael Jackson titled Leaving Neverland was aired a few days ago (6th and 7th of March, 2019), and it has gotten everyone talking. The two men that are center of the whole documentary had some damaging things to say about MJ and how he allegedly molested them as kids. TMZ caught up with Fat Joe on the streets as he was making his way to a white Rolls Royce Cullinan and asked him what he felt about the documentary.

Image result for TMZ interviews fat joe about michael jackson
Below is what Fat Joe had to say about it...

"I haven't seen it men! But you know I love Michael Jackson...He is one of my favorites in the world like, I mean, Michael is everything. You know what I'm saying. So...I haven't seen it men! You know, I love MJ, I'ma check it out. That's all I can say men! It's weird times men!"

The TMZ reporter went on to ask Fat Joe if music outlets would start pulling down Michael Jackson's music after this documentary and he said...

"Not MJ men! MJ? I don't think so men! I don't think so"

Below is the TMZ interview.

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