R Kelly's Girlfriend (Azriel Clary) Snaps at CBS Anchorwoman, Gayle King During Interview

R Kelly is on trial on a 10 count of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, and he granted CBS an interview this week, which was done by anchorwoman, Gayle King. The same day that interview was done, R Kelly's two live in girlfriends Azriel Clary (21), and Joycelyn Savage (23), also got interviewed. During the course of the interview, Gayle asked the girls if their relationship was a three way sexual relationship between the three of them. Azriel fired back with...

"Sexually? Well, first of all I'm not here to talk about my personal life. And I would never share with no one what I do in or outside of the bedroom. And as a woman I'm sure you would not either."

I am with Azriel on this one. That was a very inappropriate and unprofessional question from Gayle. The two girls are adults, 21 and 23, and what they do sexually with R Kelly is none of anyone's business. The discussion was about whether they were being held against their will or whether they were being physically abused by R Kelly; Gayle King should have stuck to questions around that, instead of asking about their sexual relationship with R Kelly.

After Azriel shot down her question, Gayle started to stammer as she agreed that she also wouldn't talk to anyone in public about her sexual life. And then Azriel went on to say..."Okay then. Next question." Gayle tried to stand her ground and say she asked the question because this is a different circumstance, but Azriel cut-in saying, "It is not a different circumstance. There are people all over the world who have multiple girlfriends. It's no different."

I really don't understand people saying the girls are brainwashed. The girls looked pretty confident and in control to me. You can watch the full interview below.

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