How Fat Joe Conquered His Fear of Flying

For years, rapper, Fat Joe had a fear of flying. It is funny, right? But, until about 5 years ago, Fat Joe never used air transportation, because he always felt plains were too big to glide through the air, and he was always scared if he got on one, it would crash. 50 Cent even taunted him with that fact many times during their feuding years. But, something happened some years back that made him conquer that fear. His brother from another mother, Khaled, was in another country and he had gotten into trouble with the local gang over there because of fat Joe. Khaled was calling Fat Joe non-stop to come save him, and Joey Crack felt like a sucker for not being able to get on a plane and go save his brother, asap. So...Okay, hear the story from the horses mouth.

"What happened with me was...several things...what really happened with me was because of Khaled. So, there's two ways to skin this cat. The first one was- Khaled had caught some beef over me. And...he was in Puerto Rico, and he was like keeping it a buck. You know, he my little brother...he was blowing up my phone like he really thought they were going to do something to him. Right, so, I'm driving back to New York from Miami. I used to do that was like going from Harlem to the Bronx. I swear to God. Five times a week, it was a joke. And I just felt like the sucker. I was looking out the window. And, I am really 'boots on the ground, no man left behind.' So, I'm like riding and its four hours later, and I'm just 'yo, you's a sucker bro. You's a punk men! You scared to go on a...' Cos I was scared of flying so much. So, I called my man he had the private plane in Jersey,and I'm like, 'Yo, you got your private?' He was like 'Yah!!!' He's been trying to get me to fly forever. He's in Jersey. So, I drove all of that...went to Jersey, jumped on the private with like 10 niggas, and we went to Puerto Rico on the flight, and the whole seminar was bugging out. They knew Fat Joe don't fly. They might have heard rumors niggas was trying to press Khaled. We was over there like 'WHAT'S UP!!? WHAT'S UP Y'ALL!!? WHERE IS AT? WHERE HE AT? WHO WANT IT? WHAT!!? WHAT!!?' And guys were like 'Oh my God, they're here.'" (a recent interview on Power 105.1 The Breakfast Club Show)

Watch the full interview below.

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