Drake Explains Why He Wont Be Responding To Common's Diss

Drake was all vocal before Common's Stay Schemin remix dropped, now he wants out. I don't care what ever reason he has to give, it is secondary. At least, he bought into it at first...if not, he wouldn't have gone at Common on the "stay schemin" track. I guess he got to know what he was up against, and what he had to loose. Now, he is playing it like Common has more to gain from the whole thing.

Below is what Drake had to say about the whole issue-

“Because despite how it’s been worded by him that situation is not a ‘hip hop moment’ or a ‘battle for the sake of musical integrity’ …It’s a ploy for attention around the release of an album.
“More than anything it was just disappointing cause what kid isn’t a fan of what Common has done for our genre. A guy who made such an incredible career for himself based off expressing genuine feelings about life and love is now targeting me for sharing my story.”

But i do ride with him on the last sentence though...both their careers are kind of similar. Of cos common doesn't sing, but common made a lot of smooth melo music in the past. On another note, i would have really enjoyed a full-fledged back and forth battle between both of them.

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