A-Z Thinks Rap Veterans Need To Fall Back and Give J.Cole And Drake The Spotlight

A-Z, an old rapper himself; a rap veteran who dropped his debut album (DOE OR DIE) in 1995,  thinks the other rap veterans need to step aside and give chance to the new cats to get the kind of fame and credibility the old rappers have been enjoying for a long time now.

Below is what he had to say;

"Listen, Drake is kicking it and his flow is what's needed," AZ said in an interview with Mikey T The Movie Star. "You got the Wiz Khalifa, you got the J. Cole, you got a couple of cats that are laying it down and they're trying to keep [hip-hop] alive. You gotta give somebody a chance. You know what I'm saying? The old cats can't do it forever. You know what I mean? Those [new artists] that are out, I appreciate it."

Well, i think he has a point. I think Jay-Z needs to retire for real, and busta rhymes, and the other rap vets. They need to allow these new breeds like j.cole and them create their own legacy without them in it. I know the rappers that were kicking in the late 80's(big daddy kane, rakim...) went of for a while, and that was when we had Biggie, Tupac, Nas, and Jay-z, Busta Rhymes and the likes come on the scene. I think the majority of rap listeners are teens and tweens; so, i think their peers need to be allowed to serve that demograph with what they want.


  1. Disagree whole heartedly and I think stupidity like AZ's comments is what's wrong with the industry. Jay Z has gotten better with every LP and he's making music that I, 38 years old, actually listen to. I can't listen to Drake, J. Cole or Wiz because they don't speak for me. So if Jay Z stops making music, what do I do? Turn off the radio? Find some other genre? You cannot force shit down people's throat. If those other artist will break out they will do so on their own merits not on Jay Z's retirement. I have always wondered why the vets stopped making music. As long as he still has a passion for it, he should keep going. If J.Cole starts appealing to me, I will buy his LP.

  2. Okay, maybe i was a little harsh...i don't know what i would do if Nas retired. I think what i should have said is that Jay-Z should take like 2 years off like he did before, and just give the new kids some space to grow and craft their own thing. I like his music too, and i think i would have totally lost interest in hiphop if he had not come back.
    I will be 30 next month, i don't listen to radio like i used to because i am not really big on wayne and them, but i have nothing against them. When i want to hear some rap music, i get out my old rap albums and vibe to it...i know the new generation need to express themselves.
