M.I On a Private Jet With Rick Roos

I was on twitter a couple minutes ago, and i happen to follow the Nigerian rapper M.I, and he posted up in there that he was on a Private Jet with the Boss, Rick Ross. I guess guys didn't believe him, so he posted up the picture.

I don't know what to say about it; i could say he is being real and showing that he respects a fellow rapper, and he decided o take the picture. But, what is funny is that he had to take the picture without Ricky's consent. Lol! Well, i don't think there is anything wrong with M.I being star-struck; i guess we will get there someday; when Nigerian musicians would stand side-by-side with their foreign contemporaries.

Well, i have put up the picture, and you can tell me what you feel about the whole thing. I have to say though, that i appreciate his realness...his no fronting attitude. There are a lot of people that would have just kept how they feel inside.

M.I M.I M.I, wow! I heard his new album, M.I2 for the hundredth time again today, i think the album is great, and you need to go out and get it if you don't already have it.

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