Jay-Z Discusses Life Changing Decision

I was surfing the web a few days ago, and i came upon the forbes magazine website, because i was actually carrying out a research on the world's billionaires, and i was surprised to see a photograph of Jay-z standing with Warren Buffet. The picture was like a caption, like an attraction on the site. I think jay has done a lot for himself, and the next move would be for him to become the first rapper Billionaire.

And, as i always tell people, there is nothing like luck in life; it is all about preparedness meeting oportunity. So, where jay is right now has nothing to do with luck, he envisioned it years ago, and put in a lot of work to get there.

Below is what he had to say about a life changing decision he had to make at some point in his life:

 "My first album didn't come out 'til I was 26, so for so long I ignored that talent," Jay explained. "It took a bit of luck. The people I was with daily -- a personal friend of mine went to jail for 12 years. And me and him would be together every single day. So I know that same fate was awaiting me. We would have got picked up the same day. If I wasn't pursuing music I would have been in jail for 12 years."

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