I bet if you over-head some one say NAS AND KELIS ARE BACK TOGETHER, you would probably not take the person seriously. Well, nobody is certain what is running through the ex married couple's heads right now, but i can take a guess that are thinking of taking another short at it for the baby's sake.
It's hard to believe when a couple of months ago, KELIS filed for divorce from husband NAS, stating the reason being inreconcillable differences.
And when the judge ruled in favor of kelis and had nas to pay a total of $44k monthly for spousal and child support, everybody thought that was the end for this lovely couple.
Pictures of them together attending various New York City events have landed the internet. Pictures that showed them acting couply and laughing.
RUSSELL SIMMONS, founder of Def Jam commented on the couple:
'I am happy kelis is out with the baby and nas. It made my heart happy! I know i speak for all GG(GLOBAL GRIND, his blog) when i say we wish them happiness'
I wish them happiness as well.

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