I'm reading comments from bloggers on various hiphop sites and most people are saying the KANYE WEST/TAYLOR SWIFT INCIDENCE WAS A PUBLICITY STUNT. I don't know how true that is, but i want to weigh on all the opinions; someone said the stunt was to get people to talk about kanye, thereby talk about JAY-Z, who just recently dropped his album, blueprint3. I think the rumour i believe is the one about it being a publicity stunt for taylor swift's career boost. I think i can ride with that one, because before that incidence, i didn't know who the hell taylor swift was. And i'm sure a lot of other people too didn't know who she was till kanye embarrassed her on stage. That embarrassment turned out to be a good thing, because people all over the world are actually going out to buy her c.d. Go to youtube if you need evidence, n see how many thousands have checked out her videos since that incidence.
What i feel is, that day was a gift and a curse for her. Kanye definately did her good and made her a household name.

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