Exactly 11 days to its official release, JAY-Z'S BLUEPRINT 3 LANDS ON THE INTERNET, and has people talking. A lot of blogs are saying it's a classic. I already knew it was going to be a classic from all the material i had been hearing and the fact that Kanye would be working on the whole album with jay.
But i can't say much on it till i listen, because i know a lot of people are on jay's dick right now, and would say anything good about him to get attention, or because they feel that is what they should do so that nobody would hate their opinion.

Below is what a blogger had to say about the album:

"Jay-Z's new album Blueprint III has leaked online," blogger Gyant wrote today. "And its AMAZING. I can't even believe how great a masterpiece it is. Writing a review on it now. writing feverishly. Review below. And there I was about to get into yet another entertainment blog when I felt a twinge up my spine, and I knew instantly that Jay-z's new Blueprint III album had leaked on to the net. After a few simple google clicks I found the hip-hop pot of gold. And though I won't be posting the link[s] to any illegal downloads, I can give you all review from a music lover's point of view." (Gyant Unplugged)

I didn't get any point from what the above person wrote. He sounds like a person just riding the tides, saying what he expects people want to hear. He did not mention any lines from any song, or single out any song.
I am not a great jay fan, but i knew he was on point on this one, because of all the recent songs, and featuring i had heard from him. But i can't still comment on the album as a whole until i hear. And trust me, i will be 100% real.

Below is what jay himself had to say:

"I may be the most bootlegged artist in history," he said in an interview after learning the news. "It's a preview. I'm excited for people to hear the album. I'm very proud of the work I've down, so enjoy it...My pager is actually ringing right now, so people are probably calling me and telling me they pretty much like it. I can tell by the way my pager rings if a song is good or not. It's really going crazy right now." (MTV).

Let's just wait and see. The album drops official on Sept 11, 7 years ago, the blueprint 1 also dropped on that day.

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