I have always wondered why rappers and every person associated, affiliated with hiphop pay so much attention to jewelries; big chains, big bangles, bracelets, watches, rings, iced-up grill and all that. They get their advance money and spend half on jewelry and then a year later they are broke.
I was going through an old issue of 'black beat' magazine and plies had some pages dedicated to him as he was interviewed in the issue. And i was trying to estimate howmuch all the jewels he had on in the 4 pages that had his pictures, and i was like, damn!
This dude had different diamond studded chains. Madalions with white; black, pink, blue, red diamonds were hanging from his neck. Gold chains, diamond studded silver watches, black diamond bracelets.
This is what he had to say:
'i always like to get a new piece for every album. i think after this situation right here, i'm goin to tone down the jewelry a little bit. i only got one wrist and one neck, so i don't get a chance to wear a lot of them...'

Well said plies.

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