Godfrey Talks About Nipsey Hussle's Death

It's been a week since California rapper, Nipsey Hussle was shot dead in front of his store in LA. A lot of celebrities have spoke on his death, and comedian, Godfrey is the latest to talk about him. During his recent interview on VLADT VT, he said he never really got to listen to Nipsey's music, but he was always blown away by how progressive Nipsey sounded in his interviews. That's the same way I felt. I never really got into his music while he was alive, but you couldn't help but like and respect him after watching an interview of him.

Read Godfrey's words on Nipsey Hussle below...

"Jesus. I mean, you know, I never umm had a chance to really listen to his music. Umm. What I always saw was his interviews. I always saw his interviews. You know, he's married to Lauren London, cos Lauren London is just such fine as you can get. So, I was like, 'oh, who's that guy she's with.' That's how I discovered he was her man. I was like, 'who's that dude.' You know. And umm, I would hear about his name, Nipsey Hussle. But I would always confuse him with Nipsey Russell, the old school comedian Nipsey Russell. I was like, who the hell is this Nipsey Hussle dude. And then I started watching his interviews, he really, it's really scary, he sounds like Snoop Dogg. He sounds and he kinda looks like him, but I think he's half Eritrean. He's Ethiopian or East African. He looks like...listen, when you watch him, his old interviews, he sounds like Snoop. He's like Snoop Dogg. Literally, sounds like Snoop Dogg, the same mannerism as Snoop Dogg, and when I was listening to him, I said, okay, who is this guy, and now it makes sense of how he looked, he looks East African."

True, Nipsey did look a lot like Snoop; tall, skinny, with the cornrows and all. Godfrey went on to talk about how progressive Nipsey was. 

"Then, all the sh*t he was talking about men. He was talking about good sh*t men. Talking about buying property, helping our community, educating our children, and still keeping the gang lifestyle. And he was explaining like, 'yo, the gang thing is not all about..it's not all about killing each other...we are about organizing and changing our communities. He was talking about that sh*t when he was like 19-20. 19-20 years old, he was like, 'I'm about trying to buy property and real estate. He said, 'I'm not even a flashy dude like that...I'm trying to spend my money on property. That m*therf*cker was ahead of his sh*t men. He already knew what the f*ck he wanted to do and, he put his money where his mouth was. He f*cking did sh*t. You know what I mean. There's a lot of pictures of him helping kids, buying sh*t, he owned property. Dude was progressive as sh*t men."

You can watch the full interview below...

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