E-40 Says Nipsey Hussle Had The Capabilities Of Becoming a Billionaire

It is still sad to think that Nipsey Hussle, after all the good he did for his community, was killed by someone in thats same community. It is exactly one weeks since his untimely death, and one of the great rap legends from the west coast, E-40 was interviewed recently by KTVU News and asked about his thoughts on Nipsey's death. Of course Nipsey Hussle was already a millionaire, but E-40 said Nipsey had the capabilities of becoming a billionaire.

Read his words on this below...

Image result for e-40 and nipsey hussle"I think, you know, gone too soon. You know. I think that boy had the capabilities of becoming a billionaire. You know. Hate comes with the plate men! You know. A lot of times when you grow up in the neighborhood...there's people that grew up with you, you know, see you uprise...He worked hard. Some people don't work hard. Some people are lazy. You know. We lost a god man. Somebody that everyone loved. Everyone. Like he was...he had pure heart. You know. He was an inspiration for the new generation."

So true. Nipsey was really business minded, and had been building his businesses gradually over the years. It is just sad to have someone just take his life like that.

You can watch E-40's full interview below...

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