Woman Says She and R Kelly Bonded Over Past Sexual Abuse Experiences

R Kelly himself has shared in the past how he was sexually molested by his elder sister when they were younger. He is currently on trial for a 10 count charge of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, and a lot of people are coming forward to speak on why we should believe that R Kelly is really guilty of these accusations. One of his lovers from the past, Lisa Van Allen, in her recent interview on VLAD TV spoke about how she and R Kelly had bonded over sharing their past sexual abuse experiences.

Read her words below...

"First thing he confided in me about was about his own sexual abuse. He told me that his sister molested him when they were children. She would make him umm put a pencil in her vagina. Umm...do oral on him, he would do oral on her. Things like that. So that made me really comfortable with talking to him about what happened to me. And you know, that was like the first initial thing that made us kinda bond. You know what I mean."

Abused people abuse people. This is definitely the route cause of what  turned R Kelly into who he became. You can watch the full interview below.

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