R Kelly's Former Lover Says Everything with Him Wasn't All Bad

Lisa Van Allen is one of the many people that appeared on the Surviving R Kelly documentary, exposing Kelly's sexual abuse crimes. She met him when she was 17 back in 1997, and they had a relationship for a few couple of years. In a recent interview on VLAD TV, she let the world know that everything with R Kelly wasn't all bad, that he had some nice qualities too.

During the course of the interview, she had been asked by the interviewer (Vlad) when she finally decided to end her relationship with R Kelly, and she answered with...

"It actually...it took a while. And the reason why it took a while was because everything was not all bad. You know what i mean. Like people tend to think that okay he was doing threesomes or and with the new girls he umm I guess starves them or whatever. But there are...he has a lot of good qualities too. I mean he is cool. He is fun. You know, I mean he is definitely talented. You know, so there were other aspects, it wasn't sex sex sex all day long. You know, so outside of sex, we would have a good time together. So, you know, but as I got older that's what really was a key component in me deciding that it was just too much."

I like her honesty. A lot of the other girls only paint R Kelly as a monster, leaving out the good aspect of him, which was why they stayed with him regardless of what they say he did to them.

You can watch the full interview below.

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