DJ Khaled Says Girls Should Calm Down on the Instagram Filtering

I just laughed my ass off right now. lol! I am watching this DJ Khaled interview on Ebro in the Morning show, and he was talking about the end of the 'I'll Hold You Down' video where he was talking to a girl, and he speaks on the process they had to go through to get the girl. He said they invited girls over based on their pictures on Instagram, and he was shocked when he saw them in person and they were not as pretty as they had appeared on their Instagram pages.

Read his words below.

"Let me tell you what happened. It's so crazy cos we shooting a video in L.A, and em, am telling Gil Green I need some beautiful girls cos I have an idea that I want to talk to a girl intimate. So she got to be beautiful. He had a bunch of girls on the set, no disrespect to them you know, we picked, and they were pretty...but this is DJ Khaled, we gotta do this big., we quickly find through Instgram, and Instagrams are liars too. Shizus! Instagram is a liar men! No, it is the most lying thing I have ever seen in my life. I don't know what y'all do...from the side, take a picture, and it looks amazing, and then you meet them in person and you are like WHAT DA F&$K!!! That makeup is that powerful? I've never seen nothing like it in my life. This shit's crazy. No. It's crazy. I never knew what makeup was until Instagram." One of the interviewers, Laura Styelez told Khaled it isn't make up but some small level of photoshop, and he continued with "They shouldn't do that, cos they are going to be met in person one day." (Interview on Hot 97's Ebro in the Morning Show)

LMAO!!! I can't speak on how many times I have been in that situation. I mean, I'll meet a girl online, and she comes over, and I'm like, WHAT!!! Who is this person. Really, girls should calm down on the filtering.

Watch the full interview below. You can go to the 40 minute mark to hear him talk about the Instagram thing.

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