5 Reasons Why Rick Ross Might Not Be Fake

Yea! Yea! Everyone knows Rick Ross was a Correctional Officer (C.O) in his late teens, and yea, he is using a former drug dealers name, without the consent of the said individual (that is not new in Hip Hop). But, I believe there are some facts that can prove that he is not just someone that fabricated his whole story. Yea, he exaggerates (like 90% of rappers), but I don't believe he made all his money solely from music.

Everyone makes fun of this man, but he keeps succeeding. I want to take time to write this article to point out some reasons why he MIGHT NOT be fake.

5.  He Was Rich Before Music
This is one of the reasons that made me stop and think before just joining the crowd to call Rick Ross fake. In 2007, MTV filmed his crib, and he had just one album out at the time. I looked at the Mansion, the cars, the pool with his face at the bottom, and asked myself- "How much advance did this man get?" Even if he had gotten a million dollar advance (which wasn't the case), he wouldn't have still been able to afford the lifestyle he was living. So, I just concluded he was doing something before music. Maybe not dealing drugs, but he was sure into some kind of major hustle.

4.  The Time Between When he Was a C.O and When he Got Big as a Rapper
Ross was a C.O from December 1995 till June 1997...that is just a year and the half. He was a C.O from age 19-21, and he didn't become a big rapper till he was 30 years old; that is a 9 year gap between when he was a C.O and when he made it as a rapper. So, what was he doing all those years? Yea, he became an official rapper at 24 (in 2000), but he was a "struggling" rapper from the south. So, how did he become successful enough to be living in a mansion, and driving exotic cars?

3.  Respected Rappers in the Game Keep Associating With Him
If he was really a fake individual, I don't think he would be getting Nas and Jay Z on his albums all the time. Styles P, T.I, and a host of gangster rappers have done songs with him. Scarface was on Mastermind (on a song titled Blessing in Disguise), and he rapped "I've been knowing Ross since he was Teflon Same nigga now it was back then, nothing stepped on." Rick Ross was going by the name Teflon the Don when he got in the game in 2000. Scarface is one of the most respected rappers from the south; why would he take time to certify Ross if Ross wasn't real?

2.  He Doesn't Spend Just Music Money
People always say he doesn't have ONE platinum album, that all his album don't go further than Gold, and that should be a limited source of income, right? But he spends way more than a Gold artists. They put his networth at $30 million, and put his average yearly income at $8 million, yet he bought Hollyfield's 109 room mansion earlier this year (for around $8 million), and he was the first black celebrity with the 2014 Rolls Royce Wraith. This man clearly spends more than he makes with music. So, he sure is making money on the side. 

1.  Keneth "Boobie" Williams Certified Him on Hood Billionaire
Look him up, Kenneth "Boobie" Williams is a former drug kingpin from Miami who is currently serving time (I don't know if he is serving "life"). He certified Ross as a real hood dude on different skits on Ross's Hood Billionaire (2014) album. In fact, the guy is all over the album, on like 8 skits or so. On one of the skits, at the end of the song, "Phone Tap" he said..."All the time I get all the questions everyday...'Ross from the hood?' 'Ross did this?' Ross official. You know what what I mean?"

At the end of the day, I am not trying to say Ross sold drugs or not, I am just trying to say the guy must have a side hustle, maybe a street hustle that we don't know much about. And from the last reason I gave above, he sure has some street connections. To end this, I am going to post something I found from my many researches...ironically, I got this off Thisis50.com. What you are about to read was posted in 2009, by one of the regular bloggers on Thisis50, at the heights of 50 Cent and Ross's beef. 

"People saying Ross fake for being a CO blah blah… I went to Carol City, and dog was serving weed in da school house back then... That man went on to land a football scholarship and got sent back home cause he got caught with dope at Albany state. straight up and down, the n**** was connected by association of growing up around some real g's getting money, and the whole time Ross was a resource for Boobie.

The peeps Ross was running with - “Boobie Boys” - was one of the top 3 teams that ran the streets of miami in da dope-game… Ross was “Boobie’s” (aka Kenneth Williams) lil protege. So to know Ross, you gotta know Boobie, cause Boobie was da mastermind.

Put it like this, in terms of the CO angle in Ross's background... When Boobie was indicted by the Feds, they also discovered that he had Miami-Dade finest Police on payroll… So the fact that Ross went CO aint no thang in Miami. Why, we got cops on druglord payrolls being found every day down here. Thos where the drugs come in, so it may not be believable to some, but it’s da truth in da M.I.A; cause this a dirty city.

Basically for Ross to explain himself might mean indicting himself…

Naw Ross wasnt no kingpin like Boobie, but if u next to dat n****, and seeing chess moves being made, and you eating by association, and you happen to become a rapper, what would you rap about?" (Source- Thisis50.com)

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