Game Lets Fans Design His 'Year Of The Wolf' Album Cover

A lot of rappers are independent right now, and Game is definitely one of them. This situation helps the artists make decisions of their own and move at their own pace. Game is dropping a new project on the 16th of September titled 'Year of the Wolf' (a compilation album) and he has given his fans on Instagram the opportunity to design the album cover-art. The album is to be released via his label, Blood Money Entertainment. Check out what Game had to say say about this, and also peep one of the entries below. 

#FANAPPRECIATION : I'm doing a contest to let my fans design my @bloodmoneylafamilia #YearOfTheWolf album cover dropping September 16th..... The best one so far is @Jalani_'s posted in the pic above.... If you can beat this.. Get yo shit going & when done... Tag me, @bloodmoneylafamilia @kingspleasure as well as @jonathanmannion & hashtag #YearOfTheWolf & I will see it & go through them all until we find a WINNER.... No artist has ever let their fans design their album cover.. But I'm not them so let's fuckin go !!!!!!!! All entries must be in by next Thursday August 7th & the winner will be announced here on my page the following day on Friday !!! Good luck & I appreciate all of you taking your time to give this shit a shot !!!!! #BloodMoney #LaFamilia #YearOfTheWolf album in-stores September 16th !!!!!!

Nice concept. It's a win win situation for Game. He gets to pick the best cover for his album at no cost, and satisfies his fans by getting them involved in his work. It also builds anticipation for the album. 'Year of the Wolf' is basically a compilation album; a Game and friends album. It would probably also showcase the two artists signed to his Blood Money Entertainment label...Skeme, and Dubb. Two singles have been released from the project so far; Bigger Than Me, and Or Nah

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