Lord Jamal Says White Rappers Are Guest In Hip Hop

During a recent interview with Vlad TV, Brand Nubian member, Lord Jamal said white rappers are guest in Hip Hop. Hmm! Well, let me let you read what he said before I say anything.

“Okay, white rappers, you’re coming to this almost as a guest. Okay, matter of fact you are guests in the house of Hip Hop. Just because you have a hit record doesn’t give you the right as I feel to voice your opinion. White rappers, those of y’all who really studied the culture, that truly love Hip Hop and all that, keep it real with yourself, you know this is a black man’s thing. We started this. This is our shit. We’ve allowed you, those of you who’ve proved your skill and all that, we’ve allowed you to come in and kick your shit, make yourself known. You know what I mean? And if you have enough respect for the culture we fuck with you. But don’t push it too far.”

My problem with this is that it sounds pretty racist. Flip the script, how would it look if a white country singer came out and said Darius Rucker was just a guest in country music, and that he had to watch his limits? It will sound like a racist remark. So, why is Lord Jamar going this route?I know he has been in Hip Hop since 1989, and might not be happy with the changes that have taken place in Hip Hop since then, but this just ain't right. Black people complain about racism all the time, but this just shows that some of them are also racist against white people too. I think Hip Hop has done a lot in reducing racism around the world, so why take things back? Why make Hip Hop a black thing? There are great white rappers, great Latino rappers, even great Asian rappers, how are you suppose to wipe out racism when you make statements like this?

What prompted Lord Jamal's statement was the Macklemore & Ryan Lewis song, Same Love, which speaks on equal rights, and same sex marriages. 

“Yeah, I say rap is gay friendly…Making a song like that is like feeling that you have the same footing as any other Hip Hop artist and to me you don’t. You don’t. Like I can’t go to somebody else’s house and even though they let me wear their clothes and eat their food, that’s not my house. That’s their house. And I can’t get so comfortable in their house that I feel like I can now start talking house politics…To me when people like Macklemore come out with songs like that, I know he loves Hip Hop and all that, but he’s trying to push an agenda that him as a white man feels is acceptable.”

I still think what he is saying is offensive. I mean, black people fought for equal rights, now a black man is not happy about a set of people getting equal rights? It just sounds like he is a very close minded person.


  1. you're missing his point entirely. please stop thinking with emotion. The current state of hip/hop is mimicking country, rock, blues, and jazz... it's becoming white washed. Caucasians have no respect or true appreciation for the art form. Culture appropriation at its worse.

  2. He didn't say he was against equal rights for gays. He's saying the culture of hip/hop doesn't agree with homosexuality, which is a big difference. If Macklemore is a true fan of hip/hop and respected OUR VALUES, he wouldn't have gone and made a song about "Same Love". It's amazing how he's using our culture to force homosexuality on us.

  3. Listen to yourself...it is clear you are homophobic, and Lord Jamal is too. You say 'he is using our culture to force homosexuality on us'...who is us? The black race? He was only expressing how he feels inside, which is what Hip Hop is. If you believe he is forcing homosexuality on the black race, then you believe it is a bad thing, then you (and Lord Jamal) are clearly homophobic. So you would rather he make songs about people killing each other, and disrespect of the black woman? Some people are so hypocritical. By the way, I'm straight.

  4. And you say the current state of hiphop is mimicking country, rock, blues and jazz? The last time I check, Kendrick Lamar, J.Cole, and Jay Z are the hottest rappers out, and they sure aren't doing no country music. And about Hip Hop being whitewashed, which other white rapper is popping apart from Macklemore?

  5. Yes, white rappers YOU are the guests.... Don't be offended, it's a kind gesture when someone invites you home, but show respect to the roots of Hip Hop. (Same goes for the younger generation,) its about honoring the fundamentals, White people have been putting their face on OUR music since Forever (#Rock n roll/ r&b/etc...) and when we state These facts, we're being "racist". ALL of hip hop does not support Macklemore's opinion so he shouldn't make blanket statements on behalf of hip hop. I'd like to know why so few people had opinions when the Black woman is being disrespected in hip hop or when hip hop lyrics paint vivid pictures of black men and boys harrassed, beaten or killed by cops or neighborhood watch. Deplorable living conditions in our ghettos or the Mass migration of black males to prison cells. Where was the white rapper then. N Yea Lord Jamal may come off a bit homophobic... but that's his opinion! NOT the voice of Hip Hop. C'mon people lets grow up, give credit where its due...accept the truth no matter how ugly and move on.
