Should You Be Gangster To Be Considered Real In Hip Hop

It has always been funny to me when rap listeners rate some rappers higher than others because they see them as real (with street credibility). Well, it wasn't really funny to me in my teens, but when I got to my twenties, and then thirties, it just sounded ridiculous to me. Some times I think African-Americans are so hypocritical. You go on the blogs and forums, and you hear them condemning a rapper like Drake because he doesn't represent that violent life, and yet when black people are profiled, they shout racism.

What you paint yourselves as is how people will treat you. I am a black man, but there are some parts of my neighbourhood that I thread softly because I know the kind of people that stay there. I know there are killers and robbers there, and I would react differently to them than I would someone else I know is civilized, but it ain't about racism. So, back to the matter at hand. You got rappers saying black people should get along better when ever some thing bad happens in the community, then they would turn around and brag about being more gangster than the next Negro...about being more of a killer. What is wrong with this people?

I think things are getting worse. Rap music is relatively a young genre of music, not even 50 years old yet. Some of the rappers that started out in the late 70's and 80's faded to the background, and just watched from the sideline. Of course most of them still tour and get royalty money, but they are far from the mainstream. Then you have the rappers from the 90's still around till today. And any rapper from the 90's probably has kids now and is heading for his 40's; that is if he is already 40. So, you have rappers like Styles P, who once was a big fan of, going off on twitter that he would fight Joe Budden, just because Budden asked him what he would do (lyrically) to defend New York after Kendrick Lamar (a West Coast rapper) called himself the King Of New York.

So, you have this 39 year old rapper (Styles P) acting a fool on twitter, calling out Joe Budden for being in a reality TV show. And saying he would fight Joe Budden in a closed room, and that they could fix the date and time. To Styles, this is what Hip Hop is...this is what makes you considered a real rapper. I understand why Jay Z laughs at a lot of this rappers now. I understand why he is way beyond them, because they really are thinking backwards. Hip Hop reflects your life and society as a rapper; so, if you were a teen or in your early 20's (as most rappers from the 90s were when they started out), and you are in the streets hustling, or doing whatever you do to get by, it will reflect in your music. But ofcos, the main thing is about your skills on the mic. Now that you are no longer in that situation and have kids in their teens, should you still be rapping about that? Hip Hop music is a big part of the black culture in America, and it's the window through which most other races that know no better use to look into the black community. And this is what you want to put on display? This is what you want to glorify?

Okay, lets say Styles wants to keep doing his gangster thing till he is in his 50's and has started loosing teeth, that's no ones business. There might still be some 2,000 people total or so that would love to buy his CD. But, why should you look at your style as the ultimate, and look at some other rapper that carters for another portion of the population inferior? Another thing is that people play favouritism a lot in Hip Hop. You have Andre 3000 being proclaimed one of the best rappers in Hip Hop history, but he once released a CD where he sang all through. Then, you have people looking down on Drake cos he likes to harmonize once in a while? When he raps does it kill it? Yes. That's what you should be concerned about it. If you don't like him cos he doesn't look like he had it tough growing up, then that is your business, just know the kid doesn't rap about the streets life, because he didn't live the streets life. What is realer than being yourself?

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