Kendrick Lamar Finally Addresses Controversial 'Control' Verse

About two weeks ago, a Big Sean song titled 'Control' hit the internet. It had Kendrick Lamar and Jay Electronica on it, but it was the Kendick Lamar verse that got everyone talking. I think anyone that listens to rap music knows why the verse was so controversial, but to sum it up, Kedrick Lamar implied that he wanted Hip Hop to be more competitive, and he also called himself the King Of New York. A lot of New York rappers like Joell Ortiz and Papoose felt offended by that line and fired shots at Kendrick with their own version of the Control song.

On a recent interview with Rap-Up, Kendrick Lamar address the controversial issue-

"Honestly I didn't know there would be so much speculation behind it. I just wanted to rap. Anybody that knows me doing music, I wanna just rap. I think that's the case right there of maybe I just dumbed down my lyrics just a little bit, The irony of that line is the people that actually understood it and got it, was the actual kings of New York, You know, me sitting down with them this past week and them understanding that it's not about actually being the king of whatever coast. It's about leaving a mark as great as Biggie, as great as 'Pac." 

So who are the real Kings Of New York? Jay Z? Diddy? Nas? 50 Cent? I don't know. A lot of people downplayed that King Of New York line, and made it seem like people didn't understand what he was trying to say or whatever, but I still think it was a disrespectful line. T.I was saying the other day that Kendrick could actually claim to be the King Of New York since he is played on New York radio more than most New York rapper, but I am sure T.I wouldn't be singing the same song if Kendrick had called himself the King Of The South...Bias right there. Anyway, it is not even about radio play, you have to reside in a place and project that place through your music and style to proclaim yourself the king of anywhere. That is how I see it. If Kendrick had said he was the King of rap right now, I bet most rappers from New York wouldn't have reacted the way they did.

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