This is a controversial issue right now, and I really don't want to speak on it, cos my opinion might not be understood. But, I think
Immortal Technique touches on a little of thoughts in his recent interview with out his words below-
think it’s a parent wake-up call more than it’s a Black person wake-up
call even though it is a Black person wake-up call. I’m not
going to say it isn't. I’m not going to call it a nigga wake-up call
because I don’t think that we should even put the Martin family and that
word in the same sentence. I say this much, that it is a wake-up call
for Black people, but it’s also a wake-up call for parents. Parents,
you’re going to have to have an honest discussion with your children
about where they are and what they are walking through. You’re going to
have to have an honest discussion about the value of people’s lives and
how some people see it and where you are and to be mindful of your
circumstances. The
next Black person that dies in America is not going to be killed by a
half-White, half Hispanic fake want-to-be cop. He is going to be killed by a Black man. So you're offended by what?
You’re offended by people who hate you enough to kill you, or are you
offended by people like you, who hate yourself enough to kill yourself?
That’s the question we need to ask ourselves. This needs to be catalyst
for people in the ghetto who are killing each other over blocks that
they don’t own, over gang issues that are from their parents’ generation
and not theirs. This is a wake-up call for them, too, because you have
to realize that the clock is ticking and now you’re all on the chopping
block, too."
is what has to change: If we're offended by the White establishment's
champion, then this is the person they championed to be honest, it’s
very sad," he says. "We're offended because someone did something of
that nature and killed someone, then why aren't we offended when some of
our own people kill each other? We should be just as offended at what’s
going on in Chicago right now when they had to send in the Goddamn
National Guard. We should be just as offended at what’s going on in
Detroit with those killings. We should be just as offended as the
majority of everything else that’s happening in terms of violence
against our own people. We shouldn't look at that as the norm, either.
If we feel guilty for looking at this as the norm, shouldn't we feel
even more guilty for looking at that as the norm? Like, 'Oh…another
nigga killed. Another nigga shot another nigga. Oh, that’s just the way
it is.; Really, you’re mad at the fact that one person got away with
killing a Black person, but you’re not mad at your mentality of, 'Well, a
Black person killed another Black person, that’s just how it is.' We
need to change that."
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