Snoop Recalls Last Moments With Tupac

In a recent interview with Sway, Snoop spoke about his last moments with Tupac, before the legend was murdered. It seems Pac really didn't have much friends left before his death-

"Last time I saw him, he was laying in the bed, Holding onto his last breath. I had seen him before that. We had just left New York. I had gotten off the radio station with Angie Martinez. That's when me and him clashed, because she asked me on the air, 'How do you feel about Puffy and Biggie?' And I said what I felt. 'They my homeboys. I love 'em.' When I got back to the hotel, it was a whole 'nother atmosphere, like he sent his homeboy to get the bud from me as opposed to him coming to get it from me. ...So I felt funny... When I got on the plane to go to LA the next day, Suge didn't let none of my security ride with me. I had to ride on the plane with him, his homies, and Pac. And it was the most uncomfortable ride I had in my life, because my nigga didn't say nothin' to me the whole ride. That's a five-hour flight on a private plane."

For those that don't know, Snoop started out with Death Row Records back in the early 90s, under Suge Knight, and producer, Dr. Dre. Suge signed Tupac to Death Row Records in 1995, and Snoop and Tupac became label mates. At the time, Tupac was already beefing with Biggie and Puff, but Snoop was friends' with Big and Puff before Pac got signed to Death Row. I think Angie shouldn't have asked that question, knowing that the question would brew up negativity which ever answer Snoop gave...whether riding with his label mate and friend (Tupac), or riding with his homeboys, puff and biggie. But, i still think Snoop should have tried to be more diplomatic with his answer.

Read on...

"I walk up to him, maybe three hours into the flight, sit next to him like, 'Yo goin' to Vegas, cuz?' He turns [away from me], starts talkin' to somebody else. I'm like, alright, go in the back, put the blanket on my head, knife in my hand, fork in my hand, and just sleep the rest of the ride, because I feel like they finna try to do something. When we walk out...I'm like, 'Cuz, you goin' to Vegas?' He do me like [dismissive gesture]. He went his way, I went my way. Next time I get a call, niggas like, 'Turn on the news! Turn on the news!'"

WOW! So sad.

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