Game Speaks On Justin Bieber Being Caught On Camera Smoking Marijuana

TMZ caught up with Game during his morning exercise routine through Hollywood hills recently, and asked his opinion on Justin Bieber being caught on camera smoking Marijuana. Bieber is currently the biggest male pop star in the U.S, and the world don't want to believe this 18 year old should be smoking weed. There has been reports of some of his fans (he has over 32 million followers on twitter) cutting themselves up because of this. But Game says this is really not a big deal. A lot of people in high places smoke weed, and its just cause Bieber is looked at as role model to a lot of young teens that this is viewed as a big deal.

Game -- a self-proclaimed weed enthusiast -- was getting his hike on in L.A. today when we asked about the Bieber pics, and Game replied, "Let's keep it real. There's a lot of people in high positions ... who smoke a little weed sometimes."

Game added, "I'm not saying it's okay ... but [Bieber] made a mistake. Forgive him. Let him go through the growing pains of his life."

And if Bieber REALLY needs to smoke out -- Game says it might be worth looking into getting a prescription ... for his glaucoma ... or insomnia ... or whatever else he can pull out of his ass on the fly. (

If you have been watching a lot of 'family type' Hollywood movies in the last 5 years or so, you would have noticed that they have been trying to remove that stigma Marijuana has, by making it look normal to smoke weed. In a movie, you might just see a respectable family man pull out a joint from his kitchen cabinet; or hear a mom say to her kid- "oh! They caught you smoking weed? That's it? Eveveryone smokes weed."

It ain't no big deal. Rihanna is always letting the world know her business when she rolls one up. It sure is better than going down that cocaine lane. He just broke up with Selena Gomez, and he is probably going through some hard times. So, probably for inspiration to do those shows, or write new music, he needs to roll some!

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