I just saw a video on youtube.com where 50 CENT was being interviewed at Howard university and he dissed LIL WAYNE, directly. I mean he mentions the dudes name, no subliminal.
I mean, i didn't believe a day would come when i would actually listen and agree with what 50 had to say, but i have to ride with him on this one.
He was talking about a rapper that has so many amazing punch-lines in a song, and yet he(the rapper) does not make sense, over all. Audience, students from the crowd started mumbling lil wayne's name. Then he faces them and ask, "did i hear you say lil wayne"? And then he agrees that he was talking about wayne, and the whole audience applauded him in agreement.

He later went in hard on wayne, saying all the gangsta stories wayne be rapping can't be factual, since he practically grew up on t.v. What he meant was that, since wayne had been in the industry since he was 15, rapping with hot boys, when did he get the time to be on the streets and do all what he claims to have done. You get it?

I totally agree with 50 on this one. I kept telling people that wayne lost focus after his carter 2 album. People be calling carter 3 a classic, that is so annoying. He started paying more attention to punchlines & metarphors, than actually making a good song with a theme. Then he amplified that his annoying delivery voice. That seem to bring him more fan base, and more money, but you don't last with something like that. It is only a fad, and people would get tired of it pretty soon.

I wish wayne all the best, and i hope he listens to what 50 said, and not take it as 50 hating on him.

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