Rap music, hiphop as a whole was started by the blacks, the african-americans back in the 70's. It was a way of expressing one's self. It was dorminated by the afro-americans, and a large majority of them, not untill recently, were in the lower class. Majorly reciding in housing projects built by the government to house the blacks, probably because they felt the race was not fit to stay amongst original citizens.
Being in a position where you can't get a job to feed your family because of discrimination brought out the worst in these people.
And they finally found a means to live a better life through music, so they exploit it and express themselves through it. Telling the public about their hardknock life and struggle to come up.
There is nothing wrong with that, but if you continue to stay in that level(mindstate of poverty and slavery), then there is a problem.
Why would you be proud of telling the whole world how you kill people the same colour as you. Black on black crime. How backward is that.

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