We are Nigerians, we are Africans, even if english is our lingua franca, it does not mean you have to sound like the americans. You hear rappers talking with a foreign tone when they are being interviewed, but when you check them on their own, probably with their people, they sound so different. Why must you want to be like another people. Why can't you be proud of where you are from, and let people differentiate you from the rest of the world. Instead, you hear our rappers saying nigger in their rap, or talking about using guns, tell me, how many of them carry guns around. And you here them saying things like "ya mean", and stuff like that. They talk about drinks they can not afford, or have not seen. Drinks like "ace of spades", "crystal", "hypnotic" just to mention a few.
I am not saying you have to rap in broken english, or rap in your native language, but at least give the audience stories of what is really going on around you. When an american rapper is talking about 64 chevy's, and impala's, and gang banging, it's because that is what they are going through and what they see and are cars they drive in the hood. That is what they are exposed to at that very point in time. American rapper, "jadakiss" said in his rap, "why ain't you a thug by choice". What he was trying to say was that the gangsta rappers rap about the situation, or the environment they were put in. They are put in housing projects that house thousands of people, with bad facilities, and don't get to get good jobs. So to live well, they are forced to live a life of crime. That is what jadakisss was trying to say. If they had a choice, they would live a better life.
So what is the case with the nigerian rapper. I really want to know.

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