The rap category in the upcoming hip hop world awards comprises of four album nominations, and i can tell you it is not going to be an easy pick. The four rap albums nominated for album of the year are, "lord of ajasa's" "second turning to the left", modenine's "paradigm shift", m.i's "talk about it", and naeto c's "you know my p" album. I have personally listened to this four albums, and i can say they are all classic material.
All the four artist killed it in their on zone, or accomplished what they had in mind when they set out to make the album, perfectly. Naeto c is the swagger rapper, with songs you can bump in your car(good production all through the album). Lord of ajasa brought that yoruba mixed with english rap style, and i can say he killed it with the stories he has on the album, and catchy choruses(i actually thought i was going to get bored listening to the album, but i did not skip one song.). M.I, Mr Incredible, came with the lyrically proficiency all through the album mixed with a lot of whitty rhymes. You would wonder how he manages to cook up so much lyrics in such a short verse. And each song has that high point where you would want to shout WHAT!!! Last, but definately not the list, Modenine, the lyrical messiah of rap in Nigeria. You would know this guy had fallen in love with words early in life. It's like he has a dicionary in his head. Mr lyrically, KRS ONE of our Generation, the metephorical genius. The album achieves what i felt he had lacked on his previous albums, he had interesting topic matters, and he utilized his lyrically ability better than ever.
The awards are not untill May, so we still have some time to analyze this albums untill then. So i am going to review the four albums one after the other starting with naeto c's album. That would probably be tomorrow.

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