Kanye West & Kim Kardashian Name Newborn

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West welcomed their child to the world on Saturday, 15th June. No pics of the baby-girl has been seen yet, but the public had been speculating on names that the couple would give their newborn. People thought of names like Kai or Kaidance, since the kids parents' names begin with a 'K.' But, the name is nothing along that line. They actually named their baby-girl, North; so, she will be called North West in school. Get it? Her first name is North, and her last name is West. And they made sure not to give her a middle name. Hmm!

An insider gave E! News a little info concerning the newborn-

"They will call her Nori for short. She has black straight hair. Lots of it! Looks like a good mix of both of them, but more like Kim. She's adorable."

I think like Nori better...Nori West. Yea, that sounds cool. Nori actually means 'rule' in Japanese. Anyway, congratulations to them. I know how great having a new baby is; my sister gave birth to a baby-girl on Tuesday.

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