Kash Doll Talks About Past Bad Record Contract

She is currently signed to Republic Records right now (since 2018), but there was a time a few years ago when Detroit rapper, Kash Doll was stuck in a bad record contract situation. A lot of musicians have gone through that phase in life. They are usually hungry at the beginning of their career, and sign contracts they don't fully understand. Kash Doll couldn't put out music for a couple of years because of the bad local contract she had signed in Detroit. She explains this in her recent interview on The Angie Martinez Show.

Read her words on the bad contract signing below...

Image result for kash doll interview on angie martinez show"I was stuck in a contract for a couple of years where I couldn't release any music. So I don't feel like my moment is where I want it...I was in a situation with someone locally in Detroit. You know I thought they could help me. You know I thought they had the resources and the connects. And I signed my life away. I didn't know any better. I didn't know the business. I just thought...I'ma be honest with you Angie, I just thought I could make a song, I can get cute and make a video, and I could go do shows and collect money, and that was it. Oh! Gaddamit! I don f*cked up. You got publishing, points, and this person can own your life with a piece of paper...they were so malicious. Like there attentions wasn't on trying to get their money, they just wanted to hurt me. So they didn't even...they never even collect anything from me, they just wanted to stop me...Every song I put out, even a freestyle of any beat, they'd take it down. I even put it on Facebook, they'd take it down. Youtube, they'd take it down. I haven't had music streaming for two years."

I am so glad she is out of the contract. There is nothing more depressing for a creative person than not being able to share his/her work with the fans. In fact there is nothing more depressing in life than when someone else owns your life and dictates what you can do.

You can watch her full Angie Martinez Show interview below. She talks about the 2 minute mark.

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