Jim Jones Talks About Inspiration Behind 'El Capo' Album

New York veteran rapper/Diplomats member, Jim Jones just dropped a new album titled El Capo. Personally, I feel the album is one of if not the best album he ever put out. A lot of people feel the same way. Not only is the lyrical content and flow on point, the album has really good songs on there...good hooks, banging beats and all that. He has been on a promo tour of the album the last couple of days, and he was on Miabelle's late night show a few nights ago on Hot 97 radio. He got asked by Miabelle what he inspiration behind the album was, and he said...

Image result for jim jones interview with miabelle on hot 97
"...Just giving a picture of Harlem. I like giving people umm...letting people see where we came from. I'ma give you that audio visual, you know. Let my words explain to you some of the things that we went through...the ups, the downs, the laughs, the jokes, you know what I mean."

It is always good to go from the heart when making art. He got a great one with this album. If you haven't listened to it yet, please do. It's a really dope rap album.

You can watch Jim Jone's full interview below. He talks about the inspiration behind the album around the beginning part of the interview.

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