Freeway Rick Ross Says John Singleton Stole His Story

According to ex drug dealer, Freeway Rick Ross, the late movie director, John Singleton stole his story to make Snowfall. The original Rick Ross said this during his recent interview on VLAD TV. He said John Singleton's TV show, Snowfall is based on his own true life story. He said he didn't get any call from Singleton, or any credit from him for profiting off his story. He said he did run into John Singleton at an event once, and Singleton was so afraid he thought he was going to get beat up, so he made some promises to Rick Ross, which he never lived up to till he passed.

During the course of the interview, the host, DJ Vlad had asked him what he felt when he heard John Singleton had passed, and he answered with...

Image result for freeway rick ross vlad tv interview"When John passed, the only effect that I could think about is that you know he stole my story. That was the number one thing that popped up to me. The guy who stole your story died."

At this point, DJ Vlad comes in and says when he read Freeway Rick Ross's book, he could automatically tell that John Singleton really did use Ross's story for his show (Snowfall).

Freeway Rick Ross went on to say...

"I mean, I felt the same way he felt about me. He didn't feel nothing for me. He didn't offer me a job. You know. It's sad, but you know that's the state that we in. You know, a guy would take your sh*t and use it and umm don't feel like he's supposed to do anything for you for it. You know, umm. Nothing even having the courtesy you know. To say, you what, men, thanks. Thanks for doing this for me, you know."

Vlad comes in and again and said he thought they offered him a consultant position on the show, and Freeway Rick Ross said...

"Only the day when we caught him coming down some steps. He thought I was going to beat his as$. (laughs). And he offered me everything that day. But gave me the wrong number...I should have gotten some money out of it. I should have benefitted from it. You know, umm, people just feel like they can just, you know like f*ck over everybody, you know. Like, whoever, and then they don't really appreciate the things that I allow them to do. You know like, plenty of times, people don like, 'men let's go over there and tear his set up. And I'll be like, 'nah men, we not doing that. That ain't...that ain't what's happening.' You know, umm it's crazy. You know and they don't really get that until like that day when he was coming up them steps and we was coming from a party, and I was coming down the steps...and me and about three or four of my guys, and he was coming up the steps and he saw me like he saw a ghost you know. Might have been the day his stroke started."

Ouch. That last statement is harsh. Well, Freeway Rick Ross was a drug dealer at some point, so he definitely was heartless, and maybe still is.

You can watch the full interview below.

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