Fabolous Wanted to Become an Artist As a Kid

Although he is still considered an artist now, he wanted to be a different kid of artist as a kid. Fabolous actually used to draw as a kid, and his mom encouraged him to take it serious. She even enrolled him at an art school. Along the line, he did less of drawing, and more of writing raps, and became the Fabolous we all know today.

He let this known during his recent 'Self Made Taste Better' interview with Brett Berish. Read his words on this below...
Image result for fabolous self made taste better interview
"As a kid I was a different kind of artist, I used to draw a lot when I was a kid. So my mom sort of saw that I had an interest there and a talent there and she put me in a couple of different art things. Even when I tried to shy away from it, she would push me in the back a little to go towards it. Umm, I even went to a art high school. At that time I was a little discouraged about art because I just didn't see the longevity in it. I didn't see the...somebody from where I was from progressing in it. I didn't know big artists or anything you know. I just knew I could draw...

"Yea, (I went to) art and design art school. And umm, it was in Manhattan, it was on 57th street, which was a long way from Brooklyn. And umm, even there like, you know I was like kinda with my mom like I don't want to have to go to high school this far and take the train, and you know, an hour commute or whatever like that. I wanted to go to my neighborhood high school with my friends in my neighborhood went to. And she was, you know, kind of pushing me that you know you got a talent and you have to go...for you to explore your talent, sometimes you gonna have to go further than what's right there."

Great mother. You can watch the full interview below. Fab talks about wanting to be a an artist as a kid around the 3 minute mark.

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