LeBron James Says He Still Doesn't Believe Nipsey Hussle Is Dead

The sad news of Nipsey Hussle's death hit everyone hard, and some people still don't want to believe he is gone. It is just unbelievable. I personally still find it hard to believe that his gone and never coming back. It is just so unreal that he is dead. His good friend, basketball veteran, LeBron James was interviewed on CBS Los Angeles yesterday, and he spoke about how he still doesn't believe Nipsey hussle is dead. Read his words below...

Image result for nipsey hussle and lebron james

Image result for lebron james talks about nipsey hussle"Him being a friend of mine as well. Umm. You just don't...I still don't believe it. You still don't believe it because we always talk about like you know when you become someone, you tap into that gift, this is what we've been talking about, you tap into that gift and then you know what your gift is, and then you give back, and you continue to give back, and you continue to give back, and you continue to put on from where you come from. And to see it taken away by someone that didn't have the same drive, that didn't have the same ambition, that didn't have the same motivation, but come from the same place you come from, is what we have to deal with in our own inner cities. We got to school with these guys. We play little league football and basketball with these guys. And because of their motivation not being as much as ours it becomes a hate...it becomes a 'you made it and you left me here.' They start to really hate you for that."

May Nipsey Hussle's soul rest in peace. I really didn't want to believe it too. Not like I claim to be one of his number one fan or anything, but from watching his interviews over the years, and getting to see him grow, I developed a level of respect for him. I remember when he said he read a book about putting value on yourself, and how he sold his Crenshaw mixtape for $100 dollars each because he believed his intellectual property was worth that much. I really liked that move. I remember Jay Z buying 100 copies of the album back then. That was 6 years ago, and Nipsey had grown a lot since then. Opening businesses in the hood and employing young black men that couldn't get jobs. He was doing so much for his community and for someone to take the life of such a great person is just so sad.

You can watch the full LeBron James interview below...

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