Birdman Speaks on His Gift For Recognizing Talented Rappers Early

Birdman is the cofounder of one of the biggest record labels in Hip Hop history, Cash Money Records. Juvenile, Lil Wayne, Drake, and Nicki Minaj are some of the biggest rappers on the Cash Money roaster, and they are definitely some of the biggest rappers in rap music history. In his recent Drink Champs interview, one of the hosts of the show, Nore asked him about his gift for recognizing talent in rappers before the rest of the world does, and he said...

"I just think it's one of my gifts brah. You know. I can see that sh*t before they see it in their self. And I believe in it and I give my all to it and we ride with it till we make it happen brah. That doesn't mean that it's going to happen fast. We ain't come up in the social media era, you heard me. You had to do that shit in a different way. But i think it's just one of my gifts brah...If I feel it, I'm going with it, I ain't gonna think twice about it. And I think one of my blessings is that I was an artist and I know how artists think and what they need to paint, how they paint their picture. And I let a n*gga do their thing and I get out the way."

Nice breakdown. I particularly liked where he said 'that doesn't mean that it's going to happen fast.' I don't think rappers nowadays understand the kind of grind Lil Wayne had to put in before he became one of the biggest rappers in the world. He started as a member of the Hotboyz in 1998, and he didn't blow up big time till 2008. Think about that. 10 years of consistent grind paid off, but there were days I'm sure he wanted to give up on the whole rap thing, but he kept going.

You can watch the full Birdman Drink Champs interview below...He talks about his gift for recognizing talented rappers around the 7 minute mark.

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