Woman Talks About R Kelly having a Threesome with Her and a 14 Year Old Girl

Lisa Van Allen is a 39 year old lady that was involved with R Kelly back in 1997, when she was 17. In her recent interview on VLAD TV, she talked about being in multiple threesomes with R Kelly, and how one of those threesomes included R Kelly's 14 year old neighbor.

When she was asked by Vlad when exactly this threesome went down, she said...

"Umm. I don't know exactly the point but I know that it actually happened at his home. It happened at his home and I was 17 years old. So, it wasn't in the very beginning, but it wasn't too long after the first threesome...he told she was his 16 year old neighbor, but I found out two years later that she was actually 14 at the time."

To be honest, I don't see R Kelly getting off the hook this time. There is too many people and too much evidence against him this time.

You can watch the full interview below...

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