R Kelly Says It Would Be Stupid of Him to Hold Any Woman Hostage

We all know there has always been allegations against R Kelly concerning having sex with underage girls; although he has never been found guilty in court. But when the new documentary about him (Surviving R Kelly) was aired a few months ago, not only were his accusers accusing him of sex with them while they were underage, they also said he abused them physically and emotionally, and also claim he held them hostage at his home. Some weeks after the documentary aired on TV, R Kelly was back in court, with fresh charges from four women.

In his recent interview on CBS, R Kelly spoke on the claims by the women that they were held against their will at his home...he says he would be stupid to do that, and that those claims are all lies.

Read his words below...

"I don't need to. Why would I? How stupid would it be for R Kelly, with all I've been through in my way way past, to hold somebody, let alone 4, 5, 6, 50 you said. How stupid would I be to do that. That's stupid, guys!!! Is this camera on me? (he asks as he faces a particular camera during the interview). That's stupid. Use your common sense. Forget the blogs, forget how you feel about me. Hate me if you want to, love me if you want to, but just use your common sense. How stupid would it be for me to...with my crazy past and what I have been through...oh, right now, I just think I need to be a monster and hold girls against their will, chain them up in my basement...And don't let them eat, and don't let them out, unless they need some shoes down the street from their uncle. Stop it! Y'all quit playing. Quit playing."

You can watch the full interview below.

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