Young M.A Speaks on Mom's Reaction to Finding Out She Was a Lesbian

It is 2016, and Hip Hop is more liberal than ever. Young M.A is a lesbian rapper, and she is popping on the scene right now. Her sexuality doesn't take anything away from her talent. In a recent radio interview she did, she spoke on how her mom reacted to finding out she was a lesbian.

"My mom been knew. She used to try to get me to say it like, like, she wouldn't like force it, but she'd be like 'You know, if you like girls, you know you can always tell me.' I used to be like 'Nah, ma. Why you keep saying that Nah!' You know what I mean. She really knew when I had went to the gay pride one day, and she was like 'Come on now.' I was like 'Ma, everybody goes to the gay pride.' But she knew."  (Interview on Power 105.1 Radio)

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