Kendrick Lamar is Scared of Going Broke

In his latest interview with Complex Magazine, Kendrick Lamar was asked of his spending habits, and he said he is a very conservative spending because he is scared he would lose all his money. Read his words below. 

You know what’s crazy, man?  I’ve got this thing where I’m scared I’ma lose all my money...Yeah. I be talking to a few of my partners that’s doing they thing. A few of them don’t feel the same way but it’s like a real deal for me. I treat myself every now and then, but for the most part I be wanting to be smart about it. If my music were to stop today, how would I make this stretch for the rest of my life? My kid’s lifetime? Hopefully my grandkids. If I stopped today, how would I do that? Of course, I treat myself but that’s always in the back of my head. This could be your last moment and your last shot to keep that revenue coming. I got a lot of people to support, a lot of people to inspire.

I understand where he is coming from. Kendrick is an artist first, then a couple of other things, before being a business man. So, he would sure be scared of losing the wealth he has suddenly come about. I guess it would be wise for him to ask some of his colleagues about making wise investment choices. He would definitely still be making great money from music for the next five years or more, but he definitely has to start investment that income somewhere for the rainy day. 

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