Papoose Speaks on Demasculinization of Male Artist in Hip Hop

Papoose spoke a little on this on his Control remix, aimed at Kendrick Lamar and Big Sean. He believes rappers in Hip Hop are being demasculinized....he believes their is a feminiaztion going on in Hip Hop right now. I guess he ain't cool with all the skirts and kilt wearing rappers out there. Check out what he had to say about it in his latest interview on Vlad TV. 

“I spoke about that. I spoke about that on the ‘Control’ record. I made a little comment about that. Yeah, it’s definitely real. Not just in Hip Hop. In society period. And it’s not just black men. It’s men, period. Shit is feminized out here, man. It’s crazy, man. It’s real crazy. You got dudes wearing skirts and all that, man. It’s crazy. That was an Irish tradition that they wore during ceremonies. And these dudes is wearing it at Hip Hop concerts. I don’t even see what’s the message in that.”

Well, what I can I say. I just see this as Hip Hop broadening out, where everyone can do there thing, and cater to a particular audience. But it doesn't mean everyone is following the trend. If, at one time, A$AP Rocky or Young Thug wore a kilt at their concerts, it doesn't mean every other rapper is going to jump on that bandwagon. The last time I checked, those are not even the biggest rappers in the game right now. The biggest rappers in the game right now are Kendrick Lamar, Rick Ross, Drake, Jay Z...and I haven't seen any of those dudes rock a skirt, so we are good. I just really like where Hip Hop is at right now...the backpackers, the underground rappers, the gangster rappers, trappers, the gospel rappers, every rapper doing one sub-genre of hip hop or the other is enjoying some kind shine, so I guess it is all good.

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